Monday, February 8, 2010

Frozen Shoulder, Dupuytren's Cousin

Dupuytren's contracture and frozen shoulder share similar biology and many people with one condition will eventually develop the other. Frozen shoulder differs from Dupuytren's in that it is typically a painful condition with rapid onset, is more common in women and usually runs a limited course. It is similar in terms of its cellular biochemistry and in that it may result in permanent stiffness. Some of the differences may be due to the anatomic differences: the shoulder capsule physically moves more than the palmar fascia; there are sensory nerves in the shoulder capsule but not the palmar fascia. The topic of frozen shoulder is reviewed further in this clearly written review (full text:

1 comment:

  1. Frozen shoulder is a condition characterized by pain and stiffness in, or near, the shoulder joint. How fixed my frozen shoulder using the Neil-Asher Technique
