Saturday, September 29, 2012

2012 Dupuytren Foundation Research Grants now available!

As part of its core commitment to support efforts to develop better options for patients affected by Dupuytren's disease and related conditions, the Dupuytren Foundation will award two $10,000 research grants in 2012 for work designed to advance understanding and/or treatment of Dupuytren’s Disease.

One grant will be awarded for basic science research and one grant for clinical research.

Instructions and this form are available at

Applications must be submitted via email prior to 12/12/2012 for consideration.

Want to make a difference for Dupuytren's? If you are a researcher, apply for a 2012 Dupuytren Foundation Research Grant. If not, please make a donation so that more research can be funded. Either way, your effort may be the one which brings us closer to a cure.